06 February 2008

The first....of many?

I've decided to start a blog. After being involved with both FaceBook and MySpace for a little while, this seems a little more "adult." My goal with this project is to write something, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, every day. I realize I've tried to do this before, but hopefully, discipline will be with me and I'll succeed. So, without further adieu;

I wore a hat to work today for the first time in a long time. What is it about a simple black dress hat that adds several ounces of panache to any outfit sloppy me can throw together in the morning? As I adjusted it in the mirror today, I felt a bit like George Raft (an old Hollywood movie star) as he prepared for a night on the town. Of course, I wasn't George Raft; I was a humble, hard-working journalist preparing to get his brakes checked before he went into work. Unlike George, I wear mixed-fabric trousers and don't smoke. I'm a pale imitation of the 1940s' gangster look.
I've written on this subject many times before. For some reason, it keeps bouncing back like a rubber ball in the great racquetball court of interest and attention span. The more time I spend observing people, the more I wish I lived in a different time. No time is ever perfect, true, but sometimes the modern world is just too fast for me. I'm not alone in this; Garrison Keillor has made a mint pretending to live in the sort of yesteryear to which I strive. The difference is that Mr. Keillor has an audience of millions, while I have an adoring wife, a cute dog and a smug cat. Needless to say, I wouldn't trade positions.
So, scoff if you want, but I'm wearing my hat. Scoff too much, and I'll stab you with my fountain pen. Good-day, kind sir!

1 comment:

Your Brother. said...

You might want to do a spell/grammar check before you post these (you "through" together an outfit? I always thought you're supposed to "throw" together an outfit... but that's just me, and maybe I'm not the journalist...)

otherwise, weeeeeeeee!